Testing Guider

This document outlines the structure, configuration, and execution of tests in the Biofilter project using Pytest. It also explains how tests are integrated into the development workflow and the CI/CD pipeline.

Test Structure

The tests are organized into the following directories under the tests/ folder:

  • Unit Tests:
    • Located in tests/unit/.

    • Focused on small, isolated portions of the codebase, often using fixtures to provide mock data and parameters.

  • Functional Tests:
    • Located in tests/functions/.

    • Test specific functionalities to ensure they behave as expected in real-world scenarios.

  • Issues Tests:
    • Located in tests/issues/.

    • Designed to replicate and debug problems reported via GitHub Issues.

    • Create scenarios based on issue descriptions to verify fixes and identify potential regressions.

VS Code Integration

Configuring VS-Code for Pytest

To integrate Pytest into VS Code, the settings.json file in your project’s .vscode/ directory is configured to use Pytest as the default test framework:

    "python.testing.unittestEnabled": false,
    "python.testing.pytestEnabled": true,
    "python.testing.pytestArgs": ["tests"]

With this configuration, you can:

  • Discover all tests automatically in the tests/ folder.

  • Run individual tests or groups of tests directly within VS Code using the built-in testing features.

Running Tests in VS-Code

  1. Open the Testing sidebar in VS Code (Ctrl+Shift+T or Cmd+Shift+T).

  2. All discovered tests will appear in the sidebar, organized by directories.

  3. Click the play icon next to a test or folder to run individual tests or groups of tests.

Unit Tests and Fixtures

Unit Test Isolation

Unit tests focus on specific code components in isolation. To achieve this, we use fixtures that provide initial parameters, mock objects, or sample data for the tests. Fixtures help:

  • Isolate the code being tested.

  • Eliminate dependencies on external systems or databases.

  • Ensure predictable, reproducible results.

Example Fixture

Here’s an example of a fixture in the project:

import pytest

def sample_data():
    return {
        "param1": 42,
        "param2": "example"

def test_example_function(sample_data):
    result = example_function(sample_data["param1"])
    assert result == expected_result

Integration with CI/CD

The Biofilter project integrates tests into the CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions. This ensures that every push and pull request is validated against the test suite.

Workflow for Tests

  1. Automated Execution:
    • On every commit or pull request to the development branch, the tests are executed in the GitHub Actions pipeline.

  2. Coverage Reports:
    • Test coverage is measured during the pipeline execution and can be reviewed to identify untested code.

  3. Failure Alerts:
    • If a test fails, the CI/CD pipeline is marked as failed, preventing unreviewed changes from being merged into stable branches.

Running Tests Locally

To run the tests locally using Pytest, use the following commands:

Run All Tests

poetry run pytest

Run Specific Tests

  • By directory:

    poetry run pytest tests/unit/
  • By file:

    poetry run pytest tests/issues/test_issue_123.py
  • By individual test function:

    poetry run pytest -k "test_specific_function"

Best Practices

  1. Isolate Unit Tests:

    Use fixtures to ensure that unit tests are not dependent on external systems or complex configurations.

  2. Link Issues Tests to GitHub:

    Ensure that tests in tests/issues/ reference the corresponding GitHub Issue for better traceability.

  3. Run Tests Locally Before Pushing:

    Always run the full test suite locally to catch errors early.

  4. Maintain Test Coverage:

    Strive for high test coverage to ensure the robustness of the codebase.

  5. Document Test Scenarios:

    Document the purpose and setup of tests, especially for complex scenarios in tests/issues/.

Additional Resources